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References used for species in the Family Cyaneidae
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[ n = 57 ] 
Abato, J., 2017 Monitoring Chrysaora hysoscella (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) in the Belgian part of the North Sea using eDNA. MSc thesis, Environmental Sanitation, Ghent University, 119p.
Antezana, T., 1999 Plankton of Southern Chilean fjords: trends and linkages. Sci. Mar. 63(Suppl1):69-80.
Bailey, T.G., M.J. Youngbluth and G.P. Owen, 1995 Chemical composition and metabolic rates of gelatinous zooplankton from midwater and benthic boundary layer environments off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, USA. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 122:121-134.
Barz, K. and H.J. Hirche, 2005 Seasonal development of scyphozoan medusae and the predatory impact of Aurelia aurita on the zooplankton community in the Bornholm Basin (central Baltic Sea.). Mar. Biol. 147:465-476.
Barz, K. and H.J. Hirche, 2007 Abundance, distribution and prey composition of scyphomedusae in the southern North Sea. Marine Biology 151(3):1021-1033.
Bisby, F.A., M.A. Ruggiero, K.L. Wilson, M. Cachuela-Palacio, S.W. Kimani, Y.R. Roskov, A. Soulier-Perkins and J. van Hertum, 2005 Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2005 Annual Checklist. CD-ROM; Species 2000: Reading, U.K.
Bisby, F.A., Y.R. Roskov, M.A. Ruggiero, T.M. Orrell, L.E. Paglinawan, P.W. Brewer, N. Bailly and J. van Hertum (eds.), 2007 Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2007 Annual Checklist. CD-ROM; Species 2000: Reading, U.K.
Bowman, T.E., C.D. Meyers and S.D. Hicks, 1963 Notes on associations between hyperiid amphipods and medusae in Chesapeake and Narragansett Bays and the Niantic River,. Chesapeake Sci. 4:141-146.
Brewer, R.H., 1989 The annual pattern of feeding, growth, and sexual reproduction in Cyanea (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) in the Niantic River Estuary, Connecticut. Biological Bulletin 176(3):272-281.
Cairns, S.D., D.R. Calder, A. Brinckmann-Voss, C.B. Castro, D.G. Fautin, P.R. Pugh, C.E. Mills, W.C. Jaap, M.N. Arai, S.H.D. Haddock and D.M. Opresko, 2003 Common and Scientific Names of Aquatic Invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Cnidaria and Ctenophore, Second Edition. American Fisheries Society Special Publication, no,28. XI+115.
Condon, R.H. and M.D. Norman, 1999 Commensal associations between the hyperiid amphipod, Themisto australis and scyphozoan jellyfish, Cyanea capillata. Mar. Freshw. Behav. Physiol. 32:261-267.
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Curl, H.J., 1962 Analysis of carbon in marine organisms. Journal of Marine Research 20:181-188
Dahl, E., 1959 The amphipod, Hyperia galba, an ectoparasite of the jellyfish, Cyanea capillata. Nature 183:1749.
Dawson, M.N., 2004 Some implications of molecular phylogenetics for understanding biodiversity in jellyfishes, with emphasis on Scyphozoa. Hydrobiologia 530/531:249-260.
Doyle, T.K., J.D.R. Houghton, R. McDevitt, J. Davenport and G.C. Hay, 2007 The energy density of jellyfish: Estimates from bomb-calorimetry and proximate-composition. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 343:239-252.
Dvoretsky, V.G. and A.G. Dvoretsky, 2010 Checklist of fauna found in zooplankton samples from the Barents Sea. Polar biology 33(7):991-1005.
Ershova, E.A., R.R. Hopercroft and K.N. Kosobokova, 2015 Inter-annual variability of summer mesozooplankton communities of the western Chukchi Sea: 2004-2012. Polar Biology 38(9):1461-1481.
Ferriss, B. E., J. C. Reum, P. S. McDonald, D. M. Farrell and C. J. Harvey, 2016 Evaluating trophic and non-trophic effects of shellfish aquaculture in a coastal estuarine foodweb. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil 73(2): 429-440.
Gibson, R., B. Hextall and A. Rogers, 2001 Photographic Guide to the Sea and Shore Life of Britain and Northwest Europe. Oxford University Press Inc., New York.
Glagolev, S.M., L.A. Abramova and A.A. Vedenin, 2006 The list of invertebrate animal species of the Chupa Bay (Kandalaksha Gulf, White Sea). The materials of the White Sea Expedition of Moscow Southwest High School Vol. 6. http://herba,su.ru/shipunov/belomor/english/2006/bespy-e.htm [Accessed 23/04/2007]
Gotshall, D.W., 2005 Guide to marine invertebrates: Alaska to Baja California, 2nd ed. (revised). Sea Challengers. 117 p.
Greve, W., F. Reiners, J. Nast and S. Hoffmann, 2004 Helgoland roads meso- and macrozooplankton time-series 1974 to 2004: lessons from 30 years of single spot, high frequency sampling at the only off-shore island of the North Sea. Helgol Mar Res 58:274-288.
Gröndahl, F., 1988 A comparative ecological study on the scyphozoans Aurelia aurita, Cyanea capillata and C. lamarckii in the Gullmar Fjord, western Sweden, 1982-1986. Mar. Biol. 97:541-550.
Harvey-Clark, C., 1997 Eastern tidepool and reef: north-central Atlantic marinelife guide. Hancock House Publishers, 64pp.
Hogg, O.T., D.K.A. Barnes and H.J. Griffiths, 2011 Highly diverse, poorly studied and uniquely threatened by climate change: an assessment of marine biodiversity on South Georgia's continental shelf. PLoS ONE 6(5):e19795.
Hopcroft, R.R., J. Questel and C. Clarke-Hopcroft, 2009 Oceanographic assessment of the planktonic communities in the Klondike and Burger prospect regions of the Chukchi Sea report for survey year 2008. Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 52p.
Houghton, J.D.R., T.K. Doyle, M.W. Wilson, J. Davenport and G.C. Hays, 2006 Jellyfish aggregations and leatherback turtle foraging patterns in a temperate coastal environment. Ecology 87(8):1967-1972.
Hull, S., 1995 The underwater biology of Filey Brigg: preliminary report 1995. www.fileybrigg.com/Spitt1.pdf [accessed 02/12/07]
James, M.C. and T.B. Herman, 2001 Feeding of Dermochelys coriacea on medusae in the Northwest Atlantic. Chelonian Conservation Biology 4:202-205.
Jarms, G. and A.C. Morandini (eds.), 2019 World Atlas of Jellyfish. Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg (N.F.), 0173-7481; special volume 2019.
Kramp, P.L., 1961 Synopsis of the medusae of the world. J Mar Biol Ass UK 40:1-469.
Lamb, A., D. Gibbs and C. Gibbs, 2011 Strait of Georgia biodiversity in relation to bull kelp abundance. Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council, 111p.
Larson, R.J., 1987 First Report of the Little-Known scyphomedusa Drymonema dalmatinum in the Caribbean Sea, with notes on its biology. Bull. Mar. Sci. 40(3):437-441.
Larson, R.J., 1986 Water content, organic content, and carbon and nitrogen composition of medusae from the northeast pacific. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 99:107-120.
Lu, Z., Q. Dai and Y. Yan, 2003 Fishery biology of Cyanea nozakii resources in the waters of Dongshan island. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 14(6):973-976.
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Massin, C., A. Norro and J. Mallefet, 2002 Biodiversity of a wreck from the Belgian Continental Shelf: monitoring using scientific diving. Preliminary results. Bull. IRSNB (Biologie) 72:67-72.
McClain, C.R., M.A. Balk, M.C. Benfield, T.A. Branch, C. Chen, J. Cosgrove, A.D.M. Dove, L.C. Gaskins, R.R. Helm, F.G. Hochberg, F.B. Lee, A. Marshall, S.E. McMurray, C. Schanche, S.N. Stone and A.D. Thaler, 2015 Sizing ocean giants: patterns of intraspecific size variation in marine megafauna. PeerJ 2:e715.
Migotto, A.E., A.C. Marques, A.C. Morandini and F.L. da Silveira, 2002 Checklist of the cnidaria medusozoa of Brazil. Biota Neotropica 2(1):1-31.
Mills, C.E., 1995 Medusae, siphonophores, and ctenophores as planktivorous predators in changing global ecosystems. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea J. mar. Sci., 52:575-581.
NOAA, 2003 Alaska Groundfish Fisheries. Draft Programmatic Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. US Department of Commerce, NOAA, NMFS.
O'Connor, M., C. Hawkins and D. K. Loomis, 2008 A manual of previously recorded non-indigenous invasive and native transplanted animal species of the Laurentian Great Lakes and coastal United States. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 77, 82 pp.
Olesen, N.J., K. Frandsen and H.U. Riigård, 1994 Population dynamics, growth and energetics of jellyfish Aurelia aurita in a shallow fjord. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 105:9-18.
Pagés, F. and C. Orejas, 1999 Medusae, siphonophores and ctenophores of the Magellan region. Scientia Marina 63(Suppl 1):51-57.
Pollock, L.W., 1998 A Practical Guide to the Marine Animals of the Northeastern North America. Rutgers University Press. New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Purcell, J.E. and M.N. Arai, 2001 Interactions of pelagic cnidarians and ctenophores with fish: a review. Hydrobiologia 451:27-44.
Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes, 2004 Invertebrate Zoology. A functional evolutionary approach. 7th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning learning, Inc. 990 p.
Schiariti, A.,, M.S. Dutto, D.Y. Pereyra, G.F. Siquier and A.C. Morandini, 2018 Medusae (Scyphozoa and Cubozoa) from southwestern Atlantic and Subantarctic region (32-60° S, 34-70° W): species composition, spatial distribution and life history traits. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 46(2):240-257.
Segura-Puertas, L., L. Celis and L. Chiaverano, 2009 Medusozoans (Cnidaria: Cubozoa, Scyphozoa, and Hydrozoa) of the Gulf of Mexico. pp. 369-379 In Felder, D.L.; Camp, D.K. (eds.) Gulf of Mexico - Origins, Waters, and Biota. Biodiversity. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas.
Sigurðsson, G.M., F. Lüskow, A. Gislason and J. Svavarsson, 2021 Summer phenology of the sub‑surface gelatinous zooplankton assemblage in two North‑Western Icelandic fjords. Polar Biology 2021: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00300-021-02947-9.
Smithsonian Institution, 2016 Drymonema dalmatinum Haeckel, 1880. http://collections.si.edu/search/results.htm?q=Drymonema%09dalmatinum [Accessed 08/16/2016].
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Spiridonov, V.A., M.V. Gavrilo, E.D. Krasnova and N.G. Nikolaeva, 2011 Atlas of marine and coastal biological diversity of the Russian Arctic. Moscow: WWF Russia, 2011, 64p.
Terenzini, J., S.R. Boco and L.J. Falkenberg, 2023 Cubomedusae (Cubozoa, Carybdeida, Carukiidae) in Hong Kong, China: first records of cubozoans in Chinese waters confirmed using citizen science and digital authentication. Check List 19(5):691-701.
Wrobel, D. and C.E. Mills, 1998 Pacific coasts pelagic invertebrates: a guide to the common gelatinous animals. Sea Challengers and the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California.112 p.
Xian, W., B. Kang and R. Liu, 2005 Jellyfish blooms in the Yangtze Estuary. Science 307(5706):41.