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References by Family
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References used for species in the Family Limacinidae
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Bednarsek, N., G.A. Tarling, S. Fielding and D.C.E. Bakker, 2012 Population dynamics and biogeochemical significance of Limacina helicina antarctica in the Scotia Sea (Southern Ocean). Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 59:105-116.
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Burn, R., 2006 A checklist and bibliography of the Opisthobranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of Victoria and the Bass Strait, southeastern Australia. Museum Victoria Science Reports 10:1-42.
Chan, A.L.C., 1994 Hydrology and the distribution of Pteropoda in the southern waters of Hong Kong. pp. 497-504 In B. Morton (ed.) The Malacofauna of Hong Kong and Southern China III, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on the Malacofauna of Hong Kong and Southern China, Hong Kong, 13 April - 1 May 1992. Hong Kong University Press.
Chen, Y., 2006 Spatial and temporal distribution of pteropods in relation to hydrography in the waters around Taiwan. Natural Sun Yat-Sen University, Marine Biological Technology and Resrouce Research Center. 109 pp.
Comeau, S., R. Jeffree, J.L. Teyssié and J.P. Gattuso, 2010 Response of the Arctic pteropod Limacina helicina to projected future environmental conditions. PLoS One 5(6):e11362.
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Ershova, E.A., R.R. Hopercroft and K.N. Kosobokova, 2015 Inter-annual variability of summer mesozooplankton communities of the western Chukchi Sea: 2004-2012. Polar Biology 38(9):1461-1481.
Fabry, V.J., 1989 Aragonite production by pteropod molluscs in the subarctic Pacific. Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers 36(11):1735-1751.
Gannefors, C., M. Böer, G. Kattner, M. Graeve, K. Eiane, B. Gulliksen, H. Hop and S. Falk-Petersen, 2005 The Arctic sea butterfly Limacina helicina: lipids and life strategy. Marine Biology 147:169-177.
Golikov, A.V., F.R. Ceia, R.M. Sabirov, Z.I. Zaripova, M.E. Blicher, D.V. Zakharov and J.C. Xavier, 2018 Ontogenetic changes in stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) values in squuid Gonatus fabricii (Cephalopoda) reveal its important ecological role in the Arctic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 606:65-78.
Gong, Y.Y., F.P. Zhan, Y.T. Yang, P. Zhang, X.L. Kong, Y. Jiang and Z.Z. Chen, 2016 Feeding habits of Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis in the South China Sea. South China Fisheries Science 12(4):80-87.
Hirche, H.J. and K.N. Kosobokova, 2011 Winter studies on zooplankton in Arctic seas: the Storfjord (Svalbard) and adjacent ice-covered Barents Sea. Marine Biology 158:2359-2376.
Hopcroft, R.R., J. Questel and C. Clarke-Hopcroft, 2009 Oceanographic assessment of the planktonic communities in the Klondike and Burger prospect regions of the Chukchi Sea report for survey year 2008. Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 52p.
Hunt, B.P.V., E.A. Pakhomov, G.W. Hosie, V. Siegel, P. Ward and K. Bernard, 2008 Pteropods in southern ocean ecosystems. Progress in Oceanography 78(3):193-221.
Ikeda, T. and A.W. Mitchell, 1982 Oxygen uptake, ammonia excretion and phosphate excretion by krill and other Antarctic zooplankton in relation to their body size and chemical composition. Marine Biology 71:283-298.
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Ikeda, T. and H.R. Skjoldal, 1989 Metabolism and elemental composition of zooplankton from the Barents Sea during early Arctic summer. Marine Biology 100:173-183.
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Jia, X., Z. Li, C. Li, Y. Qiu and J. Gan, 2004 Studies on the ecosystem and commercial fisheries resources in commercial zone and the continental shelf in South China Sea. Science Publishing, Beijing, 647 p.
Kobayashi, H.A., 1974 Growth cycle and related vertical distribution of the thecosomatous pteropod Spiratella ("Limacina") helicina in the central Arctic Ocean. Marine Biology 26(4):295-301.
Kosobokova, K. and H.-J. Hirche, 2000 Zooplankton distribution across the Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean: species inventory, biomass and vertical structure. Deep-Sea Research I 47:2029-2060.
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Rottman, M., 1978 Ecology of recurrent groups of pteropods, euphausiids, and chaetognaths in the Gulf og Thailand and the South China Sea. Mar. Biol. 48:63-78.
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Solis, J.B. and H. von Westernhagen, 1978 Vertical distribution of euthecosomatous pteropods in the upper 100 m of the Hilutangan Channel, Cebu, The Philippines. Mar. Biol. 48(1):79-87.
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Turgeon, D.D., J.F. Quinn Jr., A.E. Bogan, E.V. Coan, F.G. Hochberg, W.G. Lyons, P.M. Mikkelsen, R.J. Neves, C.F.E. Roper, G. Rosenberg, B. Roth, A. Scheltema, F.G. Thompson, M. Vecchione and J.D. Willams, 1998 Common and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Mollusks, 2nd ed. American Fisheries Society (Special publication 26), Bethesda, Maryland. 526 p.
Wang, K., B.P. Hunt, C. Liang, D. Pauly and E.A. Pakhomov, 2017 Reassessment of the life cycle of the pteropod Limacina helicina from a high resolution interannual time series in the temperate North Pacific. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
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