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References Used for Doryteuthis pealeii
References Used for Doryteuthis pealeii
n = 38
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Reference no. Description year Name used Page
111140 Costello, D.P. and C. Henley 1971 Methods for obtaining and handling marine eggs and embryos. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA (Second Edition). 1971 Loligo pealeii -->
2605 Lange, A.M.T. and K.L. Johnson 1981 Dorsal Mantle Length - Total Weight Relationships of Squids Loligo pealei and Illex illecebrosus from the Atlantic Coast of the United States. NOAA Technical Report. Masachussettes, USA. 20 p. 1981 Loligo pealei -->
7657 Summers, W.C. 1983 Loligo pealei. 1:115-142. In Cephalopod life cycles. Academic Press, London, England. 1983 Loligo pealei -->
275 Roper, C.F.E., M.J. Sweeney and C.E. Nauen 1984 FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 3. Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species of interest to fisheries. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(3):277p. Rome: FAO. 1984 Loligo pealei 97
82901 Jhaveri, S.N., P.A. Karakoltsidis, J.M. Montecalvo and S.M. Constantinides 1984 Chemical composition and protein quality of. some southern New England marine species. J. Food Sci. 49:110-113. 1984 Doryteuthis pealeii -->
7685 Pauly, D. 1985 The population dynamics of short-lived species, with emphasis on squids. NAFO Scientific Council Studies 9:143-154. 1985 Loligo pealei 149
82940 Steimle, F.W. Jr. and R.J. Terranova 1985 Energy equivalents of marine organisms from the continental shelf of the temperate Northwest Atlantic. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci. 6:117-124. 1985 Doryteuthis pealeii -->
7655 Dawe, E.G., J.C. Shears, N.E. Balch and R.K. O'Dor 1990 Occurrence, size, and sexual maturity of long-finned squid (Loligo pealei) at Nova Scotia and New Foundland, Canada. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 47:1830-1835. 1990 Loligo pealei -->
2592 Jarre, A., M.R. Clarke and D. Pauly 1991 Re-examination of growth estimates in oceanic squid: the case of Kondakovia longimana (Onychoteuthidae). ICES Journal of Marine Science 48:195-200. 1991 Loligo pealeii -->
7654 Brodziak, J.K.T. and W.K. Macy III 1996 Growth of long-finned squid, Loligo pealei, in the northwest Atlantic. Fish. Bull. 94:212-236. 1996 Loligo pealei -->
7647 Gannon, D.P., A.J. Read, J.E. Craddock and J.G. Mead 1997 Stomach contents of long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) stranded on the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Coast. Marine Mammal Science 13(3):405-418. 1997 Loligo pealeii -->
1667 Turgeon, D.D., J.F. Quinn Jr., A.E. Bogan, E.V. Coan, F.G. Hochberg, W.G. Lyons, P.M. Mikkelsen, R.J. Neves, C.F.E. Roper, G. Rosenberg, B. Roth, A. Scheltema, F.G. Thompson, M. Vecchione and J.D. Willams 1998 Common and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Mollusks, 2nd ed. American Fisheries Society (Special publication 26), Bethesda, Maryland. 526 p. 1998 Loligo pealei 161
63669 Pollock, L.W. 1998 A Practical Guide to the Marine Animals of the Northeastern North America. Rutgers University Press. New Brunswick, New Jersey. 1998 Loligo pealei -->
1904 Anderson, F.E. 2000 Phylogeny and historical biogeography of the loligonid squids (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) based on mitochondrial DNA sequence data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 15(2):191-214. 2000 Loligo pealei 192
843 Norman, M. 2003 Cephalopods: a world guide. IKAN Publishing, Frankfurt. 320 p. 2003 Loligo pealei 137
80748 Barradas-Ortiz, C., P. Briones-Fourzán and E. Lozano-Álvarez 2003 Seasonal reproduction and feeding ecology of giant isopods Bathynomus giganteus from the continental slope of the Yucatán Peninsula. Deep-Sea Research I 50:495-513. 2003 Loligo pealeii -->
833 Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes 2004 Invertebrate Zoology. A functional evolutionary approach. 7th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning learning, Inc. 990 p. 2004 Doryteuthis pealeii -->
19 Bisby, F.A., M.A. Ruggiero, K.L. Wilson, M. Cachuela-Palacio, S.W. Kimani, Y.R. Roskov, A. Soulier-Perkins and J. van Hertum 2005 Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2005 Annual Checklist. CD-ROM; Species 2000: Reading, U.K. 2005 Loligo pealeii -->
356 SAUP Database 2006 SAUP Database. www.seaaroundus.org. 2006 Loligo pealeii -->
77129 FAO-FIES 2007 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from http://www.fao.org/fishery/collection/asfis/1/en, [accessed 03/07/2008]. 2007 Loligo pealeii -->
78075 FAO 2007 Seafood in Europe. FAO Seafood in Europe CD's 4. 2007 Loligo pealeii -->
106081 Finlex Data Bank 2008 Maa- ja metsätalousministeriön asetus kalastus- ja vesiviljelytuotteiden sallituista kauppanimistä. http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/alkup/2008/20080597 [Accessed 01/06/2016]. 2008 Loligo pealei -->
113821 Thompson, J.T., J.A. Szczepanski and J. Brody 2008 Mechanical specialization of the obliquely striated circular mantle muscle fibres of the long-finned squid Doryteuthis pealeii. Journal of Experimental Biology 211(9):1463-1474. 2008 Doryteuthis pealeii -->
83435 Rosenberg, G. 2009 Malacolog 4.1.1: A Database of Western Atlantic Marine Mollusca. [WWW database (version 4.1.1)] URL http://www.malacolog.org/. 2009 Loligo pealeii -->
83938 Hochberg, F.G. and Y.E. Camacho-García 2009 Squids and octopuses. p. 399-408 Wehrtmann, I.S.; Cortés, J. 2009. Marine biodiversity of Costa Rica, Central America. Springer 538pp. 2009 Doryteuthis pealei S.32.1
85085 Craddock, J.E., P.T. Polloni, B. Hayward and F. Wenzel 2009 Food habits of Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus) off the coast of New England. Fish. Bull. 107(3):389-394. 2009 Loligo pealeii -->
110525 Judkins, H.L.M., M. Vecchione and C.F.E. Roper 2009 Cephalopoda (Mollusca) of the Gulf of Mexico. pp. 701-709 In Felder, D.L.; Camp, D.K. (eds.) Gulf of Mexico - Origins, Waters, and Biota. Biodiversity. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas. 2009 Doryteuthis pealeii 707
97142 Jereb, P. and C.F.E. Roper 2010 Cephalopods of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated catalogue of Cephalopod species known to date. Vol. 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid squids. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes 2(4):605p. 2010 Doryteuthis pealeii 64
104650 Rosa, R., L. Gonzalez, H.M. Dierssen and B.A. Seibel 2012 Environmental determinants of latitudinal size-trends in cephalopods. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 464:153-165. 2012 Loligo pealeii 165
106096 Fødevarestyrelsen. 2012 Handelsnavne fisk version 2012. http://www.foedevarestyrelsen.dk/SiteCollectionDocuments/25_PDF_word_filer%20til%20download/06kontor/Maerkning/Handelsnormer_varestandarder/OEvrige_produkter/Handelsnavne%20fisk%20version%202012.pdf [Accessed 01/06/2015]. 2012 Loligo pealei -->
107945 Cheung, W.L., R. Watson and D. Pauly 2013 Signature of ocean warming in global fisheries catch. Nature 497:365-368. 2013 Doryteuthis pealeii -->
113826 Oliver, C. 2013 Species abundance and distribution of squid in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and Tampa Bay with a focus on biology. Doctoral Dissertation, University of SOuth Florida St. Petersburg. 2013 Doryteuthis pealeii -->
113831 Rosa, R., G.J. Pierce and R.K. O'Dor 2013 Advances in Squid Biology, Ecology and Fisheries. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2013 Doryteuthis pealeii -->
106883 Bayse, S.M., P. He, M.V. Pol and D.M. Chosid 2014 Quantitative analysis of the behavior of longfin inshore squid (Doryteuthis pealeii) in reaction to a species separation grid of an otter trawl. Fisheries Research 152:55-61. 2014 Doryteuthis pealeii 55
113823 Trueblood, L.A. and B.A. Seibel 2014 Slow swimming, fast strikes: effects of feeding behavior on scaling of anaerobic metabolism in epipelagic squid. Journal of Experimental Biology 217(15):2710-2716. 2014 Doryteuthis pealeii -->
122847 Granados-Amores, J., C.A. Salinas-Zavala, J.R. Flores-Ortega and M.D. Santana-Iturrios 2019 Length-weight relationship and condition factor for 7 loliginid squid species in Mexican waters. Ciencias Marinas 45(4):175-180. 2019 Doryteuthis pealeii 176
127697 IUCN 2022 The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2022-1. . Downloaded 15 September 2022. 2022 Doryteuthis pealeii -->
3477 MarineSpecies.org 2050 MarineSpecies.org. http://www.marinespecies.org/index.php 2050 Doryteuthis pealeii -->
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