Biblio summary for Molgula manhattensis
Citation deRivera, C.E., G.M. Ruiz, J.A. Crooks, K. Wasson, S.I. Lonhart, P. Fofonoff, B.P. Steves, S.S. Rumrill, M.S. Bracato, W.S. Pegau, D.A. Bulthius, R.K. Priesler, G.C. Schooch, E. Bowlby, A. De Vogelaere, M.K. Crawford and …, 2005 L. Takata, K. Larson, T. Huber, A.M. Leyman, E. Collinetti, T. Pasco, S. Shull, M. Anderson and S. Powell. Broad-scale nonindigenous species monitoring along the west coast in national marine sanctuaries and national estuarine research reserves. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
Ref. 7836 deRivera, C.E., G.M. Ruiz, J.A. Crooks, K. Wasson, S.I. Lonhart, P. Fofonoff, B.P. Steves, S.S. Rumrill, M.S. Bracato, W.S. Pegau, D.A. Bulthius, R.K. Priesler, G.C. Schooch, E. Bowlby, A. De Vogelaere, M.K. Crawford and …, 2005
Named Used as Valid Molgula manhattensis
Distribution Atlantic.
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