Metapenaeus ensis (De Haan, 1844)
Greasyback shrimp
Chung ha,  Middle prawn
Metapenaeus ensis
photo by FAO

Family:  Penaeidae (penaeid shrimps)
Max. size:  15.4 cm BL (male/unsexed); 18.9 cm BL (female); max.weight: 18.0 g
Environment:  benthic; brackish; marine; depth range 8 - 95 m
Distribution:  Indo-West Pacific.
Biology:  Maximum carapace length: 3.5 cm (male); 4.2 cm (female) (Ref. 8). Common body length: 7.0 to 14.0 cm (Ref. 409). Minimum depth range from Ref. 111048. Subtidal (Ref. 106854). Found mainly in turbid waters down to a depth of 95 m over bottoms of mud, sandy-mud or silt. Juveniles are found in estuaries and backwaters, also in seagrass beds, mangrove banks, mud flats, and open channels (Ref. 8) while adults are found in deeper waters (Ref. 10). Juveniles from a riverine mangrove are likely to obtain nutrition from phytoplankton and possibly epiphytic algae than from mangrove leaves or detritus (Ref. 105141). Omnivore (Ref. 116259).
IUCN Red List Status: Not Evaluated (N.E.) Ref. 123251)
Threat to humans: 
Country info:  Known from Deep Bay. Infested by Orbione halipori (Ref. 124798). Also known from prawn ponds in Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve. Commercially important, catadromous species (Ref. 127124). C: Refs. 124798, 127124.

Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.