List of Nominal Species of Micrabaciidae
Nominal Species (n = 14) Present allocation (n = 14) Ref.
Letepsammia acuta Kitahara & Cairns, 2021 Letepsammia acuta 3477
Leptopenus antarcticus Cairns, 1989 Leptopenus antarcticus 19
Stephanophyllia complicata Moseley, 1876 Stephanophyllia complicata 19
Leptopenus discus Moseley, 1881 Leptopenus discus 19
Letepsammia fissilis Cairns, 1995 Letepsammia fissilis 19
Stephanophyllia formosissima Moseley, 1876 Letepsammia formosissima 3477
Letepsammia franki Owens, 1994 Letepsammia franki 19
Stephanophyllia fungulus Alcock, 1902 Stephanophyllia fungulus 19
Leptopenus hypocoelus Moseley, 1881 Leptopenus hypocoelus 19
Stephanophyllia neglecta Boschma, 1923 Stephanophyllia neglecta 19
Rhombopsammia niphada Owens, 1986 Rhombopsammia niphada 19
Rhombopsammia owensae Kitahara & Cairns, 2021 Rhombopsammia owensae 3477
Leptopenus solidus Keller, 1977 Leptopenus solidus 19
Rhombopsammia squiresi Owens, 1986 Rhombopsammia squiresi 19
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