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References used for species in the Family Hyperiidae
( hyperiids )
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Arai, M.N., 2005 Predation on pelagic coelenterates: a review. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 85:523-536.
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Brusca, G.J., 1967 The ecology of pelagic Amphipoda, I. Species accounts, vertical zonation and migration of Amphipoda from the waters off southern California. In G.J. Brusca, The ecology of pelagic Amphipoda I, p.382-393.
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Dahl, E., 1959 The hyperiid amphipod, Hyperia glabra, a true ectoparasite on jelly fish. Univ. Bergen Årb., nat. Rekke 9:1-8.
Dalpadado, P., 2002 Inter-specific variations in distribution, abundance and possible life-cycle patterns of Themisto spp.(Amphipoda) in the Barents Sea. Polar Biology 25:656-666.
Dalpadado, P., A. Yamaguchi, B. Ellertsen and S. Johannessen, 2008 Trophic interactions of macro-zooplankton (krill and amphipods) in the Marginal Ice Zone of the Barents Sea. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 55(20-21):2266-2274.
Dalpadado, P., N. Borkner, B. Bogstad and S. Mehl, 2001 Distribution of Themisto (Amphipoda) spp. in the Barents Sea and predator-prey interactions. ICES Journal of Marine Science 58:876-895.
Dehn, L., G.G. Sheffield, E.H. Follmann, L.K. Duffy, D.L. Thomas and T.M. O'Hara, 2007 Feeding ecology of phocid seals and some walrus in the Alaskan and Canadian Arctic as determined by stomach contents and stable isotope analysis. Polar Biol. 30:167-181.
Dolgov, A.V., E. Johannesen, M. Heino and E. Olsen, 2010 Trophic ecology of blue whiting in the Barents Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science 67: 483-493.
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Horner, R. and D. Murphy, 1985 Species composition and abundance of zooplankton in the nearshore Beaufort Sea in winter-spring. Arctic 38(3):201-209.
Ikeda T. and Hirakawa K.., 1998 Metabolism and body composition of zooplankton in the cold mesopelagic zone of the southern Japan Sea. Plankton Biology and Ecology 45:31-44.
Ikeda, T., 1990 A growth model for a Hyperiid amphipod Themisto japonica (Bovallius) in the Japan Sea, based on its intermoult period and moult increment. Journal of the Oceanographical Society of Japan 46:261-272.
Ikeda, T. and A.W. Mitchell, 1982 Oxygen uptake, ammonia excretion and phosphate excretion by krill and other Antarctic zooplankton in relation to their body size and chemical composition. Marine Biology 71:283-298.
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Ivanovic, M.L. and N.E. Brunetti, 1994 Food and feeding of Illex argentinus. Antarc. Sci. 6(2):185-193.
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Kedra, M., S. Gromisz, R. Jaskula, J. Legezynska, B. Maciejewska, E. Malec, A. Opanowski, K. Ostrowska, M. Weodarska-Kowalczuk and J. Weslawski, 2010 Soft bottom macrofauna on All Taxa Biodiversity Site: Hornsund (77°N, Svalbard). Polish Polar Research 31(4):309-326.
Kosobokova, K. and H.-J. Hirche, 2000 Zooplankton distribution across the Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean: species inventory, biomass and vertical structure. Deep-Sea Research I 47:2029-2060.
Kosobokova, K.N., H. Hanssen, H.-J. Hirche and K. Knickmeier, 1998 Composition and distribution of zooplankton in the Laptev Sea and adjacent Nansen Basin during summer, 1993. Polar Biology 19:63-76.
Koszteyn, J., S. Timofeev, J.M. Węsławski and B. Malinga, 1995 Size structure of Themisto abyssorum Boeck and Themisto libellula (Mandt) populations in European Arctic seas. Polar Biology 15:85-92.
Kraft, A., E. Bauerfeind, E.M. Nöthig and U.V. Bathmann, 2012 Size structure and life cycle patterns of dominant pelagic amphipods collected as swimmers in sediment traps in the eastern Fram Strait. Journal of Marine Systems 95:1-15.
Kwon, O.-N., J.-K. Kim, M.-G. Yoon, D.-H. Kim and K.-E. Hong, 2014 Marine prey selectivity of released juvenile chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) during arly marine migration in Korean waters. JFMSE 26(2):421-429.
Labat, J.P., P. Mayzaud and S. Sabini, 2005 Population dynamics of Themisto gaudichaudii in Kerguelen Islands waters, Southern Indian Ocean. Polar Biology 28(10):776-783.
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Lowry, J.K., 2000 Taxonomic status of amphipod crustaceans in the South China Sea with a checklist of known species. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 8:309-342.
Lowry, J.K. and A.A. Myers, 2009 Benthic Amphipoda (Crustacea: Peracarida) of the Great Barrier Reef. Zootaxa 2260(16):17-108.
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Percy, J.A., 1993 Energy consumption and metabolism during starvation in the Arctic hyperiid amphipod Themisto libellula Mandt. Polar Biology 13:549-555.
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