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References used for species in the Family Ophiodermatidae
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Abreu-Pérez, M., F.A. Solís-Marín and A. Laguarda-Figueras, 2005 Catálogo de los equinodermos (Echinodermata: Asteroidea y Ophiuroidea) nerítico-bentónicos del Archipiélago Cubano. Rev. Biol. Trop. 53:29-52.
Alvarado, J.J. and J. Cortés, 2009 Echinoderms. pp. 421-434. In I.S. Wehrtmann, J. Cortés (eds.) Marine biodiversity of Costa Rica, Central America. Springer 538 p.
Ameziane, N., 2007 Echinodermata of New Caledonia. pp. 337-347. In Payri, C.E., Richer de Forges, B. (eds.), Compendium of Marine Species of New Caledonia. Doc. Sci. Tech. II7, seconde édition, IRD Nouméa.
Andrew, N. and M. Francis, 2003 The living reef. The ecology of New Zealand's rocky reefs. Craig Potton Publishing, New Zealand. 283pp.
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Australian Biological Resources Study, 2000 Australian Faunal Directory. World Wide Web electronic publication.
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Byrne, M., P. Cisternas and T. O'hara, 2008 Brooding of pelagic-type larvae in Ophiopeza spinosa: reproduction and development in a tropical ophiodermatid brittlestar. Invertebrate Biology 127(1):98-107.
Calado, R., 2006 Marine ornamental species from European waters: a valuable overlooked resource or a future threat for the conservation of marine ecosystems?. Scientia Marina 70(3): 389-398.
Cheung, P.-S.C., 1991 An intertidal survey of Cape d'Aguilar, Hong Kong with special reference to the ecology of high-zoned rock pools. Hong Kong: Pok Fu Lam, University of Hong Kong, MSc Thesis, 264 p.
Claereboudt, M.R., 2019 Shallow water echinoderms of the Sultanate of Oman. Al Anan Printing Press: Muscat, Oman. 205p.
Clark, A.M and F.W.E. Rowe, 1971 Monograph of shallow-water Indo-West Pacific echinoderms. Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History): London.
Colin, P.L. and C. Arneson, 1995 Tropical Pacific invertebrates: A field guide to the marine invertebrates occurring on tropical Pacific coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangroves. The Coral Reef Research Foundation. Coral Reef Press. 304 pp.
Costello, D.P. and C. Henley, 1971 Methods for obtaining and handling marine eggs and embryos. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA (Second Edition).
de Celis, A.K., 1981 Survey of class Ophiuroidea in Tayabas Bay. National Museum Zoological Papers 5:1-24.
Espinosa, J. and D.Y.B. Escuela, 2021 Prospección de megazoobentos de los fondos blandos del Parque Nacional Caguanes, Yaguajay, Sancti Spíritus, Cuba. Revista Investigaciones Marinas 41:100-111.
Fell, H.B., 1948 The constitution and relations of the New Zealand echinoderm fauna. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 77(5):208-212.
Florida Museum of Natural History, 2014 Ophiarachnella similis (Koehler, 1905). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15.
Florida Museum of Natural History, 2014 Ophiopeza fallax Lütken, 1869. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15.
Florida Museum of Natural History, 2014 Ophiopeza spinosa (Ljungman, 1867). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15.
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Fujita, T. and Y. Liao, 2001 Ophiuroids (Echinodermata) collected in the shallow water of Hainan Island, South China Sea. In pp. 95-99, Matsura, K. (ed). 2001. Marine Fauna of the Shallow Waters Around Hainan Island, South China Sea. National Science Museum Monographs 21:95-99.
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Hagman, D.K. and P.D. Vize, 2003 Mass spawning by two brittlestar species, Ophioderma rubicundum and O. squamosissimum (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea), at the Flower Garden Banks, Gulf of Mexico. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(3):871-876.
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Hong, S.Y., K.Y. Park, C.W. Park, C.H. Han, H.L. Suh, S.G. Yun, C.B. Song, S.G. Jo, H.S. Lim, Y.S. Kang, D.J. Kim, C.W. Ma, M.H. Son, H.K. Cha, K.B. Kim, S.D. Choi, K.Y. Park, C.W. Oh, D.N. Kim, H.S. Shon, J.N. Kim et al., 2006 Marine invertebrates in Korean coasts. Republic of Korea, Academy Publishing Company, Inc. 479 p.
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Jeng, M.-S., 1998 Shallow-water echinoderms of Taiping Island in the South China Sea. Zoological Studies 37(2):137-153.
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Lane, D.J.W., L.M. Marsh, VandenSpiegel and F.W.E. Rowe, 2000 Echinoderm fauna of the South China Sea: an inventory and analysis of distribution patterns. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (Suppl. 8):459-493.
Lawrence, J.M. and A. Guille, 1982 Organic composition of tropical, polar and temperate water echinoderms. Compendium of Biochemistry and Physiology 72B:283-287.
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Liu, L., 1997 A primarily research on echinoderm in the watershed around Guangxi Islands. Journal of Guangxi Academy of Science 13(1):8-11.
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Okanishi, M. and Y. Fujita, 2018 A new species of Ophioconis (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from Ryukyu Islands, southwestern Japan. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 131(1):163-174.
Okanishi, M., Y. Oba and Y. Fujita, 2019 Brittle starts from a submarine cave of Christmas Island, northwestern Australia, with description of a new bioluminiscent species Ophiopsila xmasilluminans (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) and notes on its behaviour. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 67:421-439.
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