References Used for Hippasteria falklandica
n = 6
Biodiversity heritage library | Google Books | Google Scholar | Scirus | PubMed | 动物学的记录
参考书目 描述 年代 使用名称
93287 Larraín, A., E. Mutschke, A. Riveros and E. Solar 1999 Preliminary report on Echinoidea and Asteroidea (Echinodermata) of the Joint Chilean-German-Italian Magellan "Victor Hensen" Campaign, 17 October - 25 November 1994. Scientia Marina 63(Suppl 1):433-438. 1999 Hippasterias falklandica 435
833 Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes 2004 Invertebrate Zoology. A functional evolutionary approach. 7th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning learning, Inc. 990 p. 2004 Hippasteria falklandica -->
89090 Hibberd, T. and K. Moore 2009 Field identification guide to Heard Island and McDonald Islands benthic invertebrates: a guide for scientific observers aboard fishing vessels. Kingston, Tas. : Australian Antarctic Division and Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (Australia), 152 p. 2009 Hippasteria falklandica 38
87520 Gutt, J., I. Barratt, E. Domack, C. d'Udekem d'Acoz, W. Dimmler, A. Gremare, O. Heilmayer, E. Isla, D. Janussen, E. Jorgensen, K.H. Kock, L.S. Lehnert, P. Lopez-Gonzales, S. Langner, K. Linse, M.E. Manjon-Cabeza and M. Meißner 2011 Biodiversity change after climate-induced ice-shelf collapse in the Antarctic. Deep Sea Research Part II 58:74-83. 2011 Hippasteria falklandica tab.S3
116836 Rauschert, M. and W.E. Arntz 2015 Antarctic macrobenthos: a field guide of the invertebrates living at the Antarctic seafloor. Arntz & Rauschert Selbstverlag, Wurster Nordseekueste, Germany, 143p. 2015 Hippasteria falklandica 136
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