References Used for Styela macrenteron
n = 4
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Numéro de référence Description Année Nom utilisé Page
114916 Feder, H.M. and S.C. Jewett 1977 Trawl survey of the epifaunal invertebrates of Norton Sound, southeastern Chukchi Sea, and Kotzebue Sound. Final Report to NOAA. R.U. No. 502. 148 p. 1977 Styela macrenteron 369
113796 Feder, H.M., S.C. Jewett and A. Blanchard 2005 Southeastern Chukchi sea (Alaska) epibenthos. Polar Biol 28:402-421. 2005 Styela macrenteron 407
116516 Drumm, D.T., K.P. Maslenikov, R. Van Syoc, J.W. Orr, R.R. Lauth, D.E. Stevenson and T.W. Pietsch 2016 An annotated checklist of the marine macroinvertebrates of Alaska. NOAA Professional Paper NMFS 19, 289 p. doi:10.7755/PP.19 2016 Styela macrenteron 270
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