Reproduktion hos Hippasteria falklandica
Document Source:
Main Ref. Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes, 2004
Mode dioecism
Befruktning external
Lekfrekvens one clear seasonal peak per year
Leker upprepade gånger No
Reproductive Guild nonguarders
Open water/substratum egg scatterers
Beskrivning av livscykel ochfortplantningsbeteende Members of the class Asteroidea exhibit both asexual (regeneration and clonal) and sexual (gonochoric) means of reproduction. Life cycle: Embryos hatch into planktonic larvae and later metamorphose into pentamorous juveniles which develop into young sea stars with stubby arms.
Sök efter fler referenser om reproduktion Scirus
(t.ex. 9948)
(t.ex. cnidaria)
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