Reproduktion hos Perna viridis
Document Source:
Main Ref. Rajagopal, S., V.P. Venugopalan, K.V.K. Nair, G. van der Velde, H.A. Jenner and C. den Hartog, 1998
Mode dioecism
Befruktning external
Leker upprepade gånger No
Reproductive Guild
Beskrivning av livscykel ochfortplantningsbeteende External sexual fertilization. Spawning peaks coincide with monsoon seasons except in the Philippines and Thailand where spawning is year-round (Ref. 80527). Both sexes release gametes in the water column, where developed larvae remain for two weeks before settling in benthic habitat as juveniles. Sexual maturity occurs at 15-30 mm shell length, roughly 2-3 months age.
Sök efter fler referenser om reproduktion Scirus
(t.ex. 9948)
(t.ex. cnidaria)
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