Biodiversidad in Solomon Islands (SLB)
  FishBase Completo Literature Reference
Especie Familias Especie Familias
Marino 1024 259 No
Agua dulce 6 1 No
total 1031 261 No
Referencia   Microsoft, 1996
Conservación Logging operations have resulted in some deforestation in the Solomon Islands, although the government has established a 98 km2 tree plantation to counter the effects. Soil erosion is a problem in areas where farming is done on steep slopes and in cleared forest areas. An agreement known as the Wellington Convention has had some success in ensuring that stocks of tuna are not depleted. Pollution of any body of water is prohibited, but enforcement is difficult. The following information is to be sought: - Status of knowledge of the freshwater fauna; - Existence of conservation plans; - Information on major aquatic habitats or sites within the country; - Current major threats to species; - Future potential threats to species; - Contact(s) for further information.
Geografía y clima Solomon Islands lies in the south-west Pacific, between Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu. It consists of a double chain of six major islands, some 30 smaller islands and approximately 962 isles, atolls and cays. Many of the islands are of recent volcanic origin. The larger islands are rugged and mountainous with rainforest vegetation while the smallest are bare, coral atolls and sand cays. Coastal temperatures range from 22°C to an average maximum of 31°C throughout the year. Morning relative humidities regularly reach 90%. The mean annual rainfall generally ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 mm. The north-west monsoon period from November through April brings heavy rain and cyclones.

Referencia  SPREP, 1993
Hidrografía Rivers and streams are numerous on the larger islands as well as many of the smaller ones.

Referencia  SPREP, 1993
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